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Posted by: alextweedly
05-10-2024, 11:49 PM
Forum: Feature Requests
- Replies (3)

I have an app which needs the user to be able to upload their own photographs (ideally with tags / comments / titles / ...)

I kind of guess there is some way, and I've just missed it.  If so, could someone point me to the docs that describe it.

If not - please make it a (high-ish priority) feature request.

(How am I ever going to replace tripadvisor without this feature :-)

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-08-2024, 12:12 AM
Forum: Feature Requests
- Replies (3)

Of course, these may be documentation requests rather than feature requests ....

1. There doesn't seem to be a way to remove an app from the list of "My Apps".

2. The list screen has a switch at the bottom for "Show Included". What does this do ?

3. "Patch Notes" Is this the best name ?  Would "Release notes" be more standard (and less nerdy) alternative ?

4. Opening the player could check if there is a later version available. This is particularly useful because it is HARD to search for the Appli player on the IOS App Store. I tried a whole bunch of strings before finding that "Canela Software" would get me there.

5. The list of apps on the My Apps screen could show (badge of some kind??) which apps have an update available.

6. Apps on the My Apps screen should be collected together by Project.

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-07-2024, 01:53 PM
Forum: Feature Requests
- Replies (1)

I have an app with multiple buttons, each of which should do an almost identical thing:
    log the fact that the button has been pressed (and the date, time, ....)

If I was doing it in Livecode, I could :

1. put the buttons in a group, and have the group script do "   .... logmessage(the short name of the target) ..."
2. have a behaviour script that did logmessage(the short name of me), and use that for all these buttons
3. at the very least, do "logmessage(the short name of me)" in the script before copying/pasting/duplicating the buttons.

I can't see any way to do anything similar in Appli - currently I am copy+pasting the buttons, and then editing each one to change the text string of the button name in the code.

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-07-2024, 01:40 PM
Forum: Feature Requests
- Replies (1)

Both for table and layout elements it would be desirable to be able to set the scroll position.

For example, I have a simple tracker app, with either a table or layout to display previous events, in chronological order. I want the most recent events to be immediately visible - though all events should be visible by scrolling.

So, after refreshing the table or layout, I would like to do something like 
    refresh layout "mylayout"
    set the scrollposition of layout "mylayout" to <some big number>

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-07-2024, 01:35 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)

If a Layout element has "Scrollbar" selected, the vertical scrollbar increases the width - hence requiring a Horizontal scrollbar as well.

Unfortunately, that horizontal scrollbar overlays, and obscures, the last line of the content of the Layout.
(see attached screenshot)        

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-07-2024, 01:10 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
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I tried to copy my app "Tracker" in project "Tracker" to another project. When I did this, I got n error message

Error, couldn't create table
LiveCodeIntegration.  [OK]

I tied a couple of different target Projects, but all gave this same error.

btw - I *wanted* to copy this app within the same project, but that isn't an option.

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-07-2024, 12:16 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)

I have a simple app (LUTO-RNAJ), or "Tracker". It has a database table of events. When the "Display" screen is. opened (e.g. by clicking "Show past events" on the home screen), the table is refreshed and then sorted.

It displays correctly in Appli on my Mac, but the same table is not properly sorted when I use the Appli player on IOS.

btw - using the "column sorting" button in the table header does produce correct sort order.

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-07-2024, 12:13 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)

It appears as though the description in the docs for "list records" is incorrect.

Docs say the output is a line-delimited list of recordIDs, but it appears to actually be a list of the field values set by the Keys parameter.

(The apparent action is more general, so I suspect the docs are simply out of date - you get the described functionality by specifying "cdbrecordid" for the keys parameter).

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Posted by: alextweedly
05-06-2024, 11:32 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)

I don't know if this is a bug, a feature request, or simply something I missed in the docs.

All the time functions (e.g. get_current_time) allow for a predefined list of formats, and those are only hours and minutes - there seems to be no way to get seconds (or millisecs), as you would want for timestamping or other purposes.

But - I used the custom code option to use LC to give me time as HH:MM:SS, and thereby got my first appli app working - a very simple digital clock (only runs for a few seconds :-)

App code is LVLR-PFRN

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Posted by: clarencemartin
04-04-2024, 02:50 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Appli has a number of videos that are posted on YouTube. 
I find that searching for these has been a bit of a chore so I am posting the Web Address here:
There are a number of videos showing many subjects for Appli uses.
I suggest that you might want to Bookmark this site for future reference.

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