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Posted by: alextweedly
05-06-2024, 11:32 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)

I don't know if this is a bug, a feature request, or simply something I missed in the docs.

All the time functions (e.g. get_current_time) allow for a predefined list of formats, and those are only hours and minutes - there seems to be no way to get seconds (or millisecs), as you would want for timestamping or other purposes.

But - I used the custom code option to use LC to give me time as HH:MM:SS, and thereby got my first appli app working - a very simple digital clock (only runs for a few seconds :-)

App code is LVLR-PFRN

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Posted by: clarencemartin
04-04-2024, 02:50 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Appli has a number of videos that are posted on YouTube. 
I find that searching for these has been a bit of a chore so I am posting the Web Address here:
There are a number of videos showing many subjects for Appli uses.
I suggest that you might want to Bookmark this site for future reference.

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Posted by: agarzia
04-03-2024, 05:05 PM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (2)

Hi Folks,

Just uploaded a small tutorial showing how LiveCode integration works inside Appli. Hope you enjoy it. If you need any help, reach out to me here.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
02-24-2024, 12:45 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

AppliBot - FYI:
If you have not been using the AppliBot, you surely don't know what your missing.
Appli has been created to make application development simple for the developer to create applications.
But, there is a lot to learn and remember because of this feature. My brain is certainly limited in what I can remember. So, I have started using the AppliBot as an assistant to my brain.
You can ask it to help in doing things that you can't remember -
It is Great at providing answers on questions on how to do things and accomplish task.
It has saved me a ton of work trying to remember how to accomplish any number of task.
Example: Ask it how to format text elements or fields to display currency formats with dollar signs.
It answers almost anything that I have tried, so far.
Save your brain for creaativity and let AppliBot help you with Creating your Application!

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Posted by: agarzia
01-12-2024, 04:36 PM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (1)

Hi Folks,

I created a new playlist on YouTube with Appli basics. If you're a visual learner who prefers to learn through videos, this is for you Wink

I'll add videos to to this playlist on a weekly basis, but I need your input. Engage with us both with comments on the video and also messages here. Tell me what more you want to see, what topics you want covered, I'll be super happy to make those videos for you.

- Andre

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Posted by: clarencemartin
10-31-2023, 07:50 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Thank you Andre Garzia, for the new blog post and samples.
These are great samples for using Appli.
Appli users, i highly reccomend users of Appli to review these post.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
09-13-2023, 03:14 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

As an early adapter of Appli, I learned Appli by trial and errror. The documentation became secondary as an early adapter and Appli was in it's infancy.
Lesson Learned: I started re-reading the documentation and I found that the tutorials in the documentation provides a lot of valuable information. The tutorials are very infomative, as it should be. Taking the time to utilize the information that is contained has been a valuable asset. Even if you think you are a seasoned veteran. I take some quiet time and i seem to always finsd something that I forgot or just overlooked before. There is a lot to learn in the documentation and the folks at Canela have put in a lot of time developing this information  - Please read it several time, you might be surprized the information you may learn or re-learn.
Thankyou Appli Devlopers -just great information that many Application developers overlook or take for granted.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
09-11-2023, 10:33 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

I'm not an employee of Appli but a very interested user and tester.
I do have several projects in mind for APpli Applications.
I have also posted a few observations and views on Appli and I am a advid believer in what Appli can bring to Application developers.
I am curious about the views that other people have about the product.
Please post any views and points back on your Appli uses, desires and shortcomings that you might have on using Appli and any request you may have on how App;i can be usefull to you.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
08-25-2023, 06:51 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

There have been some added features to the Appli low code.
The low code line numbers  - thanks Appli Team
One undocumented, (as of yet) I call an Easter Egg).
what this Easter Egg does is GREAT. If you have a bug and it is in a distant line number - off of the scrolled area - when you click the Bug Icon, Appli will scroll down to the errant line and flash the problematic line of code. This is COOL 
I have included a QT movie of this below.
Thanks to the Appli Team.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
08-09-2023, 09:53 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

While working in Appli I found an interesting thing.
Is it a feature?
See attached file.

I need to explain what I did to make this happen.
I was working with this window and decided to open the low code for one of the elements.
I then clicked on the player icon and this example happened. You will notice that the player window shows and is working but the low code window remeaned open.
Pretty trick, huh?

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