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Posted by: marktalluto
05-09-2023, 12:23 AM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (1)

Hello everyone. We are experiencing an outage in the San Francisco region. We believe the issue is due to our cloud provider being unable to resolve DNS requests. They are working on the issue.

We will monitor the situation closely and update you when there is a resolution to the problem.

No other regions have been affected by this issue.

-Mark Talluto

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Posted by: clarencemartin
05-05-2023, 09:04 PM
Forum: Getting Started
- Replies (4)

Components are Elements that can be used as "Objects" for your Appli Application (Really Cool Items). 
The idea is to create these components as shared Elements that can be used on one or many screens in your application.
When you take an Element and turn it into a Component,you can use these components on all or any screens that you create. For instance you may want to take a Text element and make it a title Item for your Application. It can be shared on any or all of the screens in your Application. Another Comonent that you make may be a group of Buttons that you group together as a Menu Block. If you make this item a component it can be used universally on your many screens as a common Menu Bar, That can have shared code to be used to open your various screens with a common low code Navigation action without having to code for every screen.
These Components can eleiminate dupilcate low code coding and make your Application have a UNIFORM Look and feel with minimum coding.
One idea might be: to create a base Sceen that has all of the common Cmponents that can be share with all of the other screens in your Application.
One other thing that I found (thanks Mark and Team), is the Components are Project Aware. Once they are created in a project, all of the other sub-projects created can share those components.
GIVE IT A TRY. I am sure that there will probably be a tutorial in the Blog sometime soon. If not, I might create a video showing the use of components.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
04-18-2023, 02:21 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

If it's been a while since you opened Appli and the LowCode section, You should see and use the new LowCode editor.
It took me a minute to get use to it and realize how much it is improved. If I had a choice, I would never go back to the old way.

It's awsome!
Thanks to Mark and the team.

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Posted by: clarencemartin
04-15-2023, 10:13 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I have included a demonstartion for using the Repeat Low Code.
you can upload the included file with the Appli Load File afte you unzip it.

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Posted by: agarzia
04-06-2023, 01:06 PM
Forum: Getting Started
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Mark Hsu wrote a very good article about how to design for different screen sizes. Don't miss it, it is a great read.

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Posted by: agarzia
03-28-2023, 05:42 PM
Forum: Getting Started
- Replies (1)

Linda Lu posted a handy guide teaching new users how to view their data:

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Posted by: agarzia
03-22-2023, 01:48 PM
Forum: Getting Started
- Replies (2)

Learn more about the tried and true Mater—Detail Interface Pattern a proven way to design your user interface for database-driven app.

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Posted by: agarzia
03-22-2023, 01:45 PM
Forum: Getting Started
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I wrote a brief post about when to create a new screen. Hope you folks like it.

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Posted by: agarzia
03-22-2023, 01:28 PM
Forum: Getting Started
- No Replies

Our developer Efrain Coyt posted about when to store your data on the cloud and on the local device. Read more about it on our blog:

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Posted by: clarencemartin
02-24-2023, 07:44 PM
Forum: Feature Requests
- Replies (4)

This is a really cool action.
I assume that this is where one would create comma-delimited links to database records in a possible to a one-to-many and many-to-many relationship with records.
An example, please.

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