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It is all the craze right now. Many well-known app-building services are looking at ways to bring this technology into their toolset. People have questions about our plans to integrate AI into Appli. I figured I would post our initial thoughts here for everyone to see. Everything is subject to change as Appli and AI evolve.

We have been looking at the technology to see if it can improve the app-building process. We think that Appli's coding style may connect well with a system that can take natural language and generate our block-style coding in the correct order.

That said, it needs to be good enough that it does not get in the way of an already quick system for coding. Having to resubmit queries to the AI will get old quickly. The technology would have to make a significant performance boost. The Appli app-building process today is already fast. Our minds are open, and we will tinker to see how things go.

We have found some practical uses for AI today. I am happy to announce that our first use of this technology is already on our website. It is pretty cool. Check out the chat bubble on the bottom right of the site's windows. You can ask questions about Appli and get answers that were trained from our documentation and website content.

We ran it through various tests and found it impressive with how well it delivers valuable information. In our testing so far, it could pick the correct Action and knew what needed to be selected for the argument/parameter. Pretty mind-blowing considering our training took us less than an hour to complete. I think partial credit goes to the source of our training material. Please post your experiences here.

We plan to add this same feature inside Appli Builder's header. The contextual search the bot provides is not a replacement for good documentation. It is simply another tool at our fingertips to get our work done. We will also add links to our docs because they are excellent and provide depth about any one topic in Appli. As we learn more, we will see if we can get the bot to generate links to the relative parts of our documentation.

I am optimistic that more use cases will become possible in the future. We aim to delight you with improvements to Appli that make sense. Let's keep making some great apps together.

Exciting news indeed.

I wanted to share this conversation, because it displays that AppliBot uses its knowledge of Appli to reason the correct answer.
We can train it, and update the training as we go.

Enjoy everybody, we live in the future.  Big Grin

What steps would you take in Appli to build an invoice app?

To build an invoice app in Appli, you can use the Invoice App template provided by Appli. You can customize the template to suit your specific needs. Here are the steps you can follow:

Download and install Appli on your desktop.
Create a new project and name it "Invoice App".
Select the "Invoice App" template from the list of available templates.
Customize the template by adding your company logo, changing the color scheme, and adding any additional fields you need.
Test the app to ensure it is working as expected.
Deploy the app to your desired platform, such as desktop or mobile.
With Appli, you can easily create a functional and professional-looking invoice app without any coding knowledge.

What steps would you take to build an entire app for a lawyer's office to displaying PDF documents in the app. The documents are chosen from a menu on the first page.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you build an app for a lawyer's office that displays PDF documents. Here are the steps you can follow:

First, create a new project in Appli and name it "Lawyer's Office App".
Next, create a new table in the Data Management section of the project and name it "PDF Documents".
Add fields to the "PDF Documents" table to store the name of the document and the file path to the PDF file.
Import the PDF documents into the "PDF Documents" table using the Import feature.
Create a new screen in the project and name it "Document Menu".
Add a List Element to the "Document Menu" screen and set it to display the names of the PDF documents from the "PDF Documents" table.
Add a Button Element to each item in the List Element and set it to open the PDF file associated with that item.
Create a new screen in the project and name it "PDF Viewer".
Add a PDF Viewer Element to the "PDF Viewer" screen and set it to display the PDF file selected from the "Document Menu" screen.
Test the app to ensure it is working as expected.
Deploy the app to your desired platform, such as desktop or mobile.
With Appli, you can easily create a functional and professional-looking app for a lawyer's office that displays PDF documents. Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

It has been a few days having access to AppliBot. I am pretty amazed at how it has helped me get answers to questions quickly. I am looking forward to us integrating the bot into the Appli Builder. You can ask it how to do something and get a solid answer. I just used it, and this is how it went.

[Image: AppliBot.png]

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