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learning the different elements in Appli

As an early adapter of Appli, I learned Appli by trial and errror. The documentation became secondary as an early adapter and Appli was in it's infancy.
Lesson Learned: I started re-reading the documentation and I found that the tutorials in the documentation provides a lot of valuable information. The tutorials are very infomative, as it should be. Taking the time to utilize the information that is contained has been a valuable asset. Even if you think you are a seasoned veteran. I take some quiet time and i seem to always finsd something that I forgot or just overlooked before. There is a lot to learn in the documentation and the folks at Canela have put in a lot of time developing this informationĀ  - Please read it several time, you might be surprized the information you may learn or re-learn.
Thankyou Appli Devlopers -just great information that many Application developers overlook or take forĀ granted.

Creatively Looking Forward,

Messages In This Thread
learning the different elements in Appli - by clarencemartin - 09-13-2023, 03:14 AM
RE: learning the different elements in Appli - by marktalluto - 09-14-2023, 11:25 PM
RE: learning the different elements in Appli - by marktalluto - 02-15-2024, 08:06 PM

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